
The choice to live life on a new level is up to you, you don’t have to be like everyone else, get out of this low level thinking, people limit themselves to their current situation and can not see beyond that, well now is the time to do away with this limited perception of yourself, you can achieve greatness, greatness is a choice that you make, you must wake up everyday and demand a higher standard from yourself, separate yourself from everyone else, look at the average people around, they all have the same major habits that cause them to lead mediocre lives. Be in the top ten percent, those who strive for more, these individuals started to live life on the highest possible level in all areas of their lives from spirituality, health, wealth, family and abundance.

Do you want to be great, if you do, you have to start thinking and acting differently from the masses, you must be determined and driven to succeed. Most people are just lazy, they make time for failure but they don’t make time for success. People sit around saying they want more, but they don’t do anything about it. You must start to think big, whatever you’re thinking, think bigger, don’t be timid in your dreams, the world says it’s hard, but that is a lie, anything is possible, you can do anything you want to do, you can be anything you want to be, start to believe in yourself with certainty that you will become successful.

Everyday you must be developing yourself and growing, wake up and say today I will be better than I was yesterday and you have to continually improve upon yourself. If you don’t step up and live life on a new level, you will be living on the low level of everyone else, it takes no effort to be like everyone else, no effort is required to be average, to strive for greater heights takes courage, dedication, discipline and a continuous hunger to live life on your terms.

Break away from the masses who all think, act and live in the same manner, do you not see how people just settle for the crumbs that they are given, that comes from a lack of aims in life, they don’t know what they want in life, so they just settle for anything. Now is the time to challenge yourself to see what you are capable of achieving, you have everything within you to become successful, make the choice to be great, greatness truly is a choice.

eHowtwo 2024


eHowtwo 2024

Use Your Imagination

Your imagination is where the magic happens, that is where a seed of success is sown and you reap the reward by keeping focused on your ultimate goal. Imagine however you wish your life to be, find what your passion is and do what makes you happy. If you are going to be working for fifty years or so, do something that you truly want to do. Stop and pause for a moment, ten years from now what do you see yourself doing if you keep on engaging in the same way of living. Do you see greatness and success, or do you see mediocrity and failure. If you do not step it up now you will remain in this average life living a life of mediocrity, confined to a life that does not utilise your full potential, don’t just be a slave, be a dream chaser, goal hunter, and commander of your life.

Start to use your imagination to envision the greatest life for you in all aspects, health, wealth, spirituality, abundance, love and happiness. See it with a positive expectancy that you will get that if you take the right action steps that are needed to be done to get you to where you want to be. You must get your mind and actions in alignment to your goals. Use your imagination to see yourself living in your ideal life now, see it with clarity, go forward in time and see how you look, your character, your wealth, your life, your family, your spirituality, your abundance and your happiness. By going forward in time in your mind you can see what you want, once you do that you can see what you need to do to take you to where you want to be. Ten years from now you will be more disappointed with the things that you could’ve done when you had the chance. It is amazing how many people put off living, people do not live, they seem to procrastinate on all the things that matter the most and are engaging in BS on a daily basis, entertainment occupies the majority of people’s time and they never have time for success.

Are you here to just pay bills ? Are you here to just be a slave to someone else’s dream ? Are you here to be a coward ? Are you here to be afraid to live ? Are you here to be held back from your potential ? Are you here to be a sheep and Are you here to be a failure who resigns oneself to mediocrity ? If you want to be successful do what successful people do, no more excuses if you want to make this happen, the time is now to live life on a new level and see what you are truly capable of achieving, the potential within each one of us is unlimited, everyone has greatness within them. Believe in yourself and persevere, we must persist in order to get to the top. Never give up, never give in, focus your mind on success, and take the right action steps daily, do all that you can each day and take your life to the heights of greatness.

eHowtwo 2024

The More

eHowtwo 2024

Accomplish Life

How do you know what you can accomplish if you don’t try. People are afraid of the unknown because of a lack of action. The notion of doing more seems scary and frightens people because they don’t know what it will be like. The only way to break through the fear is to try, you will never see how far you can go if you don’t make an effort. Try all the things that you want to do, it does not matter if you are not strong in these areas as yet, you can get better at anything that you want to do. It’s all a matter of how determined you are to succeed.

The majority choose to confine themselves to a normal life because they never venture out into the open, they remain the same forever and then wonder why life doesn’t change, change isn’t a result of miracles taking place, change occurs by taking action. If you want the average 9-5 life as everyone else, do what everyone else does, this false sense of living that has been ingrained into our minds that this is how life has to be, that is nonsense. You’re living your own story, so shape it in whichever way you choose to.

For how many more years and decades do people insist on doing the same things the average way. Let me just make something clear, if you want to live life differently you have to start doing things differently, successful people's daily habits are different from the majority. They read books, they exercise, they give thanks, they take action on their goals, they make plans, they get up earlier, they work harder, they work on their dreams, they are ambitious, they are productive, they are selfless, they listen to motivational and personal development videos, they are charitable, they are compassionate, they use their time in a wise manner and they are masters of their mind. Now evaluate yourself, how many of these daily habits do you have ? if you do only a few minor ones than you are not serious about becoming successful.

People talk about success, but they don’t take action because there is no one to hold them accountable. So I say to you take action today and don’t delay living and striving to become more than average. One step at a time you can develop yourself into the person that you want to be. Do you want to remain in the same place forever, if the answer is no then you must get serious about success.

You are greater than you perceive to be, you are more powerful than you know, let these words inspire you to take action on living life on your terms and living the life of your dreams.

eHowtwo 2024