Less Is More

How much does it take to be happy ? And how much is too much ?

Money, houses, cars, TVs, phones, computers, video games, stereo systems, furniture, clothes, shoes, food, sex, sleep, drugs, and more – there’s no end to the amount of things we can want and desire.

Of course, we can’t live a life without an experience of desire. We see something, we want to experience it, so we take the necessary steps to fulfill that craving. We all have needs and wants, and one part of happiness is satisfying these needs and wants.

But anything in life we can become too addicted and too attached to. To the point where we don’t just want it, but we think we need it to be happy.

There’s a very simple rule to happiness: the more you need to be happy, the more work it takes to fulfill that happiness. Often becoming more happy is just as much about letting go of certain desires, as it is about fulfilling them.

We can’t forget that there’s more to happiness than just maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. We have to also keep in mind the “bigger picture” of our lives – our relationships, work, and personal goals. These are what provide our lives with a deeper meaning.

We need to balance our desires, but that balance is going to be different for everyone. Each individual is going to vary in both what they desire and how many desires they want to fulfill overall.

While some people may be happy living a modest life with little luxury and pleasure, others may strive for more. Everyone has different values and preferences in life, so it’s important to discover what matters to you most.

Remember, having wants and desires isn’t a bad thing – in many ways, it’s a part of life – just try to be careful not to let your wants get in the way of your happiness. This is especially true if your wants are excessive, unhealthy, or unrealistic.

At the end of the day, the more you desire the more you’re going to need to work for it. But if that’s something you really want, then it may be worth the striving. That’s your choice.

While giving up on one of your desires, try focusing more on the simple pleasures in life.

We often don’t need to do anything extravagant to be happy – instead, happiness is often about finding joy in the little things – like walking your dog, or watching a sunset, or having a nice conversation with someone.

The more happiness you can find in the everyday things, the less desires you’ll feel the need to fulfill, there for, less is more !